Thursday, February 20, 2014

Home Prices of Normal Sales Up 0.3% in December

The latest FNC Residential Price Index™ (RPI) shows U.S. home prices continue to rise. As of December, the RPI indicates the fastest year-over-year growth since the recovery began in early 2012. The index, constructed to gauge price movement among normal home sales exclusive of distressed properties, was up 0.3% in December—outperforming the overall price movement in the single-family housing market. Unlike overall price measures that include distressed sales (which recently have shown signs of weakening), home prices of normal sales have been rising at steady and sustainable levels—about 0.3-0.5% per month.
Based on recorded sales of normal, non-distressed properties (existing and new homes) in the 100 largest metropolitan areas, the FNC national composite index shows that, in December, home prices rose at a seasonally unadjusted rate of 0.3%, essentially maintaining the same pace achieved since September.

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